by Web Headers
Posted on January 26, 2019 at 11:00 PM
How to see what someone comments on facebook is a very interesting question and lots of them will want to know it. There are one or two factors it depends on and firstly, its the privacy setting of the post the individual is posting.
If you think "how to see what someone comments on facebook" is a complex process, let me make it very simple.
Just go to the search bar on the top left side and type "comments by facebook name" or "posts liked by facebook name" and put the name of the person you wish to search.
This is the best way to search for you to search for posts liked or commented on by one of your friends. Mind you the post will appear only if the post privacy setting are at public or friends of friends
The screenshot below will give you a better picture.
The answer will appear as follows :
Posts commented on by Kevin Brian
James connor
profile - 10 new post
28 Dec 2018 public - sweat-soaked Paul? That is another one! Well in both these circumstances, similar to I notice in the article above, in the event that you remark or like something that is open, your remark is likewise open. On the off chance that you remark on something and the companion who posted it is imparting to companions of-companion, at that point their companions of-companions can see your remark. I think this is additionally valid for open gatherings. A few gatherings are private and after that those remarks would just be seen by individuals from the gathering. Likewise check your own profile or course of events settings to see who can see your data. Change it to "Companions" on the off chance that you don't need everybody on the planet seeing what pages you like. It gets entangled, so you may need to likewise audit the Facebook help which has a considerable amount of data
Sean Polar
profile - 15 new post
28 Dec 2018 friends of friends - Howdy Candy,
That is a testing situation! In any case, I imagine that the perceivability of your remarks on companion #1's posts are progressively under her control. In the event that she imparts a refresh to "companions" and you remark on it, I figure just her companions will see that. On the off chance that she imparts to "companions of companions" or "open" and you remark, companion #2 could see it since she falls into that classification. The other thing you could attempt, shy of un-friending is to put your colleague in the "confined" companions list that Facebook gives you. That may confine her from seeing your action.
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